Summer is off and in full swing! I am very happy with the progression of both the Varsity and JV teams. There’s good chemistry with the players and my overall observation, VERY HAPPY! This Saturday July 8th will be our biggest test. Both teams will be in a Tournament! Our JV team will be in Ventura for the Summer Classic Passing and HOGS tournament. ALL of the teams they will play are in upper divisions, this will be a great test and good competition for our boys! The tournament is at Ventura High School and starts at 9:30am! Come out and support our JV team and watch some great football, and don’t miss the HOGS doing work on the Lineman course!

The Varsity team will be in the Rio Mesa Passing Tournament, this will be another upper division test. Along with the HOGS your Rangers will be tested all day! The tournament is at Rio Mesa High School and starts at 9:00am! Thank you to all of the Parents, Family and Friends that have been at the Passing days in Ojai! The players feel your support, hear your cheers and are working hard to make you proud! RANGER PRIDE!

Coach Wigg